Daughter, 43 years old.
Phisically of course, because I am more like her family and maybe I developed the artistic part she could not develop at the time and it is something that we have very similar.
And she’s like a friend, I can tell her everything.
In terms of personality we have a very strog character... some very passionate reactions and I think I inherited it from my mom.
Mother, 74 years old.
She looks like me in that I liked to paint in my youth... but my father did not let me go to Madrid to study, nor to Seville and well, I chose to study History.
In appearance we look very similar, in the eyes, the nose... although she has it a little bigger.
And of personality she is calmer, I am not... I am very excessive... She’s more reasonable, she reasons a lot and I don’t... I’m going to stumble.
Daughter, 19 years old.
I thinK I look like her in being nice to other people, kind. She also lkes to help others. That...
And phisically maybe in the eyes, but I don’t know... I had never considered it because I have always looked more like my father.
But, yes, the hair too, we have rebellious hair, although my mother’s is prettier.
I’ve never thought about how I look like my mother.
Mother, 56 years old.
In the physical not so much, but intellectually she does look a lot like me, it has the same concerns.
She has a lot of empathy with people... love for animals... the sensitive vein she has with everything. Well, that... is a very sensitive person. But it’s also a lot of tough... that doesn’t look so much like me.
Daughter, 47 years old.
We resemble each other in many things, in the physical features, in the voice... in how manic we can become. And my mother is very afraid of everything and “infects” it sometimes. In normal situations I am calm but since she arrives it is... ay, beware oh the child, beware of this, beware of the other...
Mother, 78 years old.
In the physiognomy... in the face, in the voice because many times on the phone they confuse us, in the way of writing... Also in thoughts because on many occasions she thinks like me... yes, even in thoughts we resemble.
And also in our way of life. She does what she sees me do. I have that very much in my head that I see that she does what I did in my house... for example, coffee, she has everything stored just like me.
Mother, 38 years old.
Of course, I think we do resemble each other. She is an energetic girl, supportive and she has a good heart.
Daughter, 4 years old.
In embracing me wiyh her.

Mother, 56 years old.
Physically she is more like her father, although she has my colors and also my style... when it comes to addressing others, dressing... I see her closer to me. She has a kindness that I recognize in me when I was joung. That is, I avoided anything by not mortifying my mother or not making her suffer or that she will not have a bitter pill...
She’s very empathetic, she’s able to put herself in your shoes and then try not hurt you or make you nervous or anything like that.
Also she has a very large working capacity. She’s a girl with a tremendous tenacity and I think she is strong in that sense. I see that although she may be related to her father, she also has that in common with me.
Daughter, 26 years old.
Fundamentally in the strength of will and the capacity for sacrifice... she has a lot of character, I have it too but we are similar above all in that we are quite hardworking, quite fighting...
In my mother that’s what I usually see in common, that we’re both pretty perfectionist about the things we do or try to be.
Daughter, 24 years old.
We both like to laugh a lot and make jokes. We have a hard time getting angry and if we get angry we have a hard time saying it too.
There are times that it is better to leave us alone because what we have already happens to us. In some respects we are very manic with order. And we like to eat candy and sweet, rich things.
Mother, 55 years old.
At some point I have seen that we are similar in things, but right now I do not fall... for example we both like animals very much.
She is more dynamic, smiling, extroverted than me... And she’s also more sportswoman.
Daughter, 9 years old.
We look a little like each other on the face and in the hair. We both like to go out. We’re both cheerful, too. My mother is short and I’m taller. She likes to drink sparkling water and I don’t.
Mother, 35 years old.
We physically resemble each other on the toes... I think also she has some looks similar to mine and then I think in the rest we differ quite a bit.
We have a certain antagonism because I, for example, love reading... she sabotages my books, she takes them away from me. She isn’t a great reader, which maybe over time we can solve.
She likes physical activity very much, she is sportswoman and she has very goog psychomotor skills.
In personality traits she is more rascal, she likes to cheat... I am a little more naive... we have our differences.
Yes, we agree to do crazy things that we do like... to be a little silly one to be ashamed.
Mother, 81 years old.
We don’t look alike, nothing... I don’t think. I’m more understanding than my daughter. I don’t know why she’s so nervous. It’s a pity, right?
I would like her to be more docile but she is very rebellius.
Daughter, 56 years old.
Physically, in the body I think so, because I’ve seen it in photos from when she was young. And in character it may be that sometimes we have bad answers.
Maybe we are also similar in empathy with the elderly. It is the same empathy that I feel towards her, for being as she is.
Because in its time she took care of her grandparents, parents, aunts; then the commiment is to take care of others, leave yours to dedicate yourself to others.
In my mother’s situation as she is blind, athough she has not been able she pulls us to do something for others.
MADRES E HIJAS: REFLEJOS. Acuarelas. 2019.
16 retratos en acuarela de 8 madres con sus hjas respectivas y sus testimonios sobre qué parecidos y diferencias consideran que hay entre ellas. 35x50 cm.
Entre madres e hijas se establecen procesos identificatorios ambivalentes. Por un lado las madres son figuras significativas en la transmisión de dones, legados y cadenas, de trasvase de los propios deseos y frustraciones y por otro las hijas se debaten entre ser eslabón o ser para sí misma, entre reproducir los roles asignados acordes a las expectativas materno- sociales o romper con los mandatos y lugares que no se quieren ocupar.
En la inevitable reciprocidad de un espejo que devuelve lo propio junto con el reflejo de la otra; se les preguntó: ¿Con qué te identificas o te diferencias de tu madre/hija?
Sixteen watercolor portraits of 8 mothers with their respective daughters and their testimonies about what similarities and differences they believe that there are between them. (Each pair 35x50 cm.)
Ambivalent identification processes are established between mothers and daughters. On the one hand mothers are significant figures in the transmission of gigts, legacies and chains, of transfer of their own desires and frustrations. On the other hand daughters are debated between being a link or being for themselves, between reproducing the assigned roles according to maternal-socials expectations or breaking with the mandates and places thet they do not want to occupy.