N. 28 years old.
For example, I have had couples who have tried to change my way of dressing because according to them it was not appropriate.
Also when Iwas 19 years old I worked as a sailor and water sports instructor in a company where I was the only woman. We went out to sea and went with those who made tourist excursions, from boat to boat, with parasailing, flyboard and others.
There werw all sailors and skippers of those ships. I was the only sailor woman... So for them I was not a co-worker but a sex toy that brightened their eyes. Everyone dropped things next to me so that I would bend down to pick them up.
There they limited my salary simply because I was a woman and supposedly I was not able to do the same as the boys; although in the end as I was the most veteran I worked twice and triple than them, but the excuse was perfect to pay me less: “You have no strength”.
And I managed to pull the ropes and the material without needing their colaboration... So I did everything they did or more.

S. 16 years old.
Since I was little girl I have been discriminated against for being of another race and for having other traits...
They have done a lot of painful things to me for being a different girl and that has caused me a lot of insecurities.
They told me that I’m Chinese and I don’t fit in here, that I won’t get used to this place...
I got used to normalizing insults and being told ugly words.

S. 43 years old.
In some towns in Senegal, genital mutilation continues to be performed on women. Tradition says that girls should be cut so that they have no sexual desire and do not fall into “perversion”. They cut off their clitoris, lips and vulva causing much pain and suffering throughout their lives.
What I am saying is, why do men have the right to have a healthy sex life and women do not?
Women become desensitized and do not feel any pleasure during sexual intercourse... as if they were a closet.
It is done to girls when they have their first period, when they are 12 or 13 years old. They did it to my best friend when she was 5 years old. It’s horrible.
Even if many years pass, mutilation still causes them pain every time they have sex and it’s very painful... But women can’t say anything, they just endure the pain in silence.
I met a woman from Guinea who arrived in Gran Canaria by boat with her 5 yeras old daughter to save her from that barbarity. They traveled yo Morocco where they had to spend two years suffering, and then in a boat spend several days in the ocean until they could reach the island.

Impresión sobre papel RAG 210 gr.
“…encontré las palabras justas para nombrar la tragedia de una mente femenina alimentada con ideologías masculinas y para alertarme sobre ese peligro al que hemos estado y estamos expuestas las emancipadas…”
Adrienne Rich: Condiciones necesarias para el trabajo. El mundo común de las mujeres.
“…Somos, soy, eres
por cobardía o valor
quienes hemos de hallar nuestro camino
de regreso a esta escena
llevando un cuchillo, una cámara
un libro de mitos
en el cual
nuestros nombres no aparecen”.
Adrienne Rich: Diving into the Wreck.
THE SKEWED LOOK. Photographic installation. 9 photographs (50x40cm.) with texts and testimonials. 2022.
Printing on paper RAG 210 gr.
“...I found the right words to name the tragedy of a female mind nourished on male ideologies and to alert me to the danger to wich we emancipated women have been and are exposed...”
“Our history is the history of a majority of the species, yet the struggles of women for a “human” status have been relegated to foot-notes, to the sidelines. Above all, womens’s relationships with women have been denied or neglected as a force in history”
Adrienne Rich: Conditions for work: The Commom World of Women.
“...We are, I am, you are
by cowardice or courage
the one who find our way
back to this scene
carrying a knife, a camera
a book of myths
in which
our names do not appear”.
Adrienne Rich: Diving into the Wreck.